
Living creatures can endure a lot. Take for example my 14 year old dog. She’s got bad knees and a bad back but she stills manages to scale our stairs each night so she can sleep close to us. Or our son, who’s had a fever for three days now but still wants to play and giggle when he toots. Or my mom who kicked lung cancers a– for three years during which time she traveled to London and Boston to be with family or sat at the table for Thanksgiving dinner weeks before she passed away. Her will to be with her loved ones was stronger than any cancer that could ever be created. And my son’s will to live a joyful life is stronger than any virus he may have picked up in the airport or a children’s museum. And my dog’s will to be close to her humans is stronger than any pain or struggle a flight of stairs may cause her.

We can look at our lives and see a series of hills to climb or obstacles to conquer or we can focus on the things that light us up. The things that get us out of bed in the morning. The things that make us laugh deeply or hug mightily or dance elatedly. Our will is stronger than any man made obstacle or insurmountable catastrophe. And knowing what lights us up can help us push through all of the crap and get to the good stuff. The things that really matter. The things that transcend everything else. That get is up those stairs or through a fever or beyond cancers cold grasp. Love. Intimacy. Security. Meaning. There is a way wherever there is a will (to borrow the phrase).

PS- no double post today. The kiddo is still sick and all I’ve got in me is this one for now. G’night.

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