Why Not?

When was the last time you dreamed something totally over the top and extraordinary? A year ago? When you were a kid? Never?

Impossible may be just a word we say to keep ourselves safe. To not risk doing something audacious and failing. Or succeeding. To hide.

But what is your dream? Or dreams? What would you build if there was no limit to what you could spend or where you could go? Or what if money wasn’t necessary? What if you had free reign to let your imagination run wild?

Real dreams don’t have limits. Like flying. Or going to the moon. Or healing someone who is sick.

I’m not talking about a vegetable garden in the front yard. Or getting six pack abs. I’m talking where your mind goes when you let it and you can dream of a fantastical place where everything is magic.

Where do you go when you dream like that? And if you haven’t gone there in a while maybe it’s time to go there again. Maybe it’s time to make that dream a reality. No fear. No limits. No restrictions. Build it.

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