Where Others Dreams Reside

How you treat the person who doesn’t know something matters. The novice. The beginner. If you lack the capacity to teach, step out of the way to allow others who don’t.

What someone doesn’t know is a gift and needs to be used wisely. The ability to shape an experience, a future, or a mindset does not come often. Use it with caution and care and love. Create a space for knowledge sharing and self discovery. This is where style and creativity flourish. Where the beginner surpasses the expert. As it should be.

Or like I said before, get out of the way.

Too many people end up becoming the reason for diminishing greatness in others. That is a tragedy. If you can say anything at the end of your life why not let it be that you set the stage for others to achieve. To reach for their dreams and to grab them with two hands. And then this cycle repeats in perpetuity.

You do this by listening. By seeing others for who they are. For nudging. Encouraging. Empowering. And again getting the heck out of the way. Ego does not belong where others dreams reside.

PS – I know there are apostrophes missing but they look gross so calm down and just let it be.

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