What Would Julia Do?

I’m a passionate person. I feel very protective of the people I love. Sometimes it’s hard for me to accept when people are mean or disingenuous or give less than their best. I can be impatient. I can be judgmental. I wear my emotions on my sleeve and sometimes it puts others on edge.

So is there a better way I want to be? How do I want to show up to the people that matter the most and the world?

I’ve been asking myself lately “what would my mom do in this situation?” It allows me to examine my feelings, and think through how I want to feel and behave.

She would be loving first. Accepting. Kind hearted. And open.

This is how I want to be. And when I am it feels better. Anger and impatience and frustration feel just like they sound: bad. I want my heart to be full of love and empathy. Not hard and cold and unwilling.

Asking what my mom would do is a good reminder of how I’d like to be in the most difficult moments. And I’d like to spend my time celebrating and appreciating and admiring and loving.

Is there a mom type person in your life who usually shows up with love? Maybe you could start asking yourself what they would do in tricky situations. Might help you get through some tough moments and difficult feelings.

I think one of the greatest compliments anyone could ever tell me is that I’m just like my mom. And I’m definitely stepping back and asking the question more and more.

What would Julia/mom do?

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