What Is

I was listening to an interesting episode of The Making Sense podcast with Sam Harris. He was interviewing Gavin de Becker – author of The Gift of Fear. Gavin is an expert on fear and violence and while there were many interesting points made one really stuck out to me.

The idea of what really matters when it comes to making decisions about our lives. It’s not what was. What could be. What will be. What might be. What really matters is what is. Right now. In the moment. In our environment.

And focusing on this can help us make better decisions. Decisions that will keep us safe. Decisions that will ground us in reality. Ground us in our emotions and tune in to what our gut instincts are telling us. And help us differentiate what matters most from all the noise.

At least this is my take on what was said. And I think this can be applied to so many things in life. How we handle conflict. How we handle confusion. How we handle a child who won’t listen. Big and small situations that require smart decisions.

It’s just a matter of tuning in. Listening. Trusting. And acting.

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