What Are You Running To?

People ask “what are you running from?” I think the better question is “what are you running to?”

It’s a simple shift of focus. And yet it’s equally scary. It’s often easier to avoid change because the question has already been answered. We know this place. We know what it feels like. It’s painful but comfortable.

Running towards something means heading into the unknown. Even though we are miserable the vastness of the unknown feels terrifying. We aren’t sure what will greet us on the other side. And so we stay.

It’s an illusion to think that change is painless and straightforward. It’s not. But the pain is a different kind. It’s the pain of growth. Of adjustment. Of reaching for something that matters. That is pain worth going through.

Staying in pain is so short sighted. Just because we can’t see what’s around the bend does not mean that we shouldn’t look. Go there. See it for ourselves. It is scary. It is new. It is hard. But we must run towards it.

Whenever you are feeling like you want to run away instead ask what you can run to.

One Comment

  1. What an exceptional tool, to shift your focus from avoidance to construction. I love this so much, Margot. Thanks for sharing <3

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