Wanting Easy

Let’s rephrase that. Do I want things to be easy? Hmm.




Do I actually want easy or …

Do I want …

Time with my wife to bond

Time to read a book

Time to write

Fill in the blank.

I don’t want easy. I want to fill my life with meaningful things that matter to me. I’m awake over half the day. Isn’t there enough time to do that? Or am I searching for meaning in all the wrong places when it’s right here in front of me?

I had a coach accuse the team of wanting erging to be easy. That we athletes were always looking for the easy way out. He was such an unempathetic imp of a man and he was wrong. We weren’t looking for easy we were looking for meaning. For the point of suffering when there was a better way.

I don’t want easy. I want to align how I feel and what I want in this life so I am at ease. There’s a difference.

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