Walk Slower

I walk fast wherever I go. I’m usually in a rush to get somewhere or get something done. If someone gets in the way or follows too closely it annoys me. I annoy myself.

I used to get annoyed that the dog walked slowly. Or sniffed every blade of grass. That she couldn’t or didn’t care to keep up with my schedule. My agenda.

But I’ve been missing moments in my rushing. Missing time to appreciate Ilsa (our nearly 15 year old Shepherd Lab mix). To stop and enjoy the world around me. She’s old now. She’s much slower than she used to be. Who am I to rush her? Would I want someone pulling me along during the day? Heck no.

There’s a time and place to walk slower. To stop rushing. To stop trying to outrun the world and get their first.

Maybe I’m getting older too. And maybe slowing down is inevitable but also alright.

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