
You can’t fix everything. There will always be a dent in the wall, a broken light switch, a weed that needs pulling. It is the natural order of the world to break down and eventually die. Nothing lasts forever.

So we can spend our time trying to fix it all. Getting caught up in this endless cycle of newness, breaking, fixing, breaking again and perhaps abandoning.

Or instead we can let it go. Accept that this is the way of the world. That some things are worth fixing and others are not. And that we will never ever achieve perfection.

Just as wrinkles adorn our face in old age so do the cracks of the world around us. The growth and imperfection that cannot be stopped.

We can fight it or let it be. Find a way to be ok with this inevitability and spend our time instead enjoying life. Not being stressed by it but rather understanding it and relishing the chaos and quiet that comes with every new day.

Unfinished is how we will all end but there is beauty in that sentence. There will always be more to say to see to feel to hear to love to hold to build to marvel at to drink to eat and on and on. This is a blessing. Why worry what is unfinished when you can spend your time being in the moment. Adding your art and love and life to the infinitude.

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