
It’s been almost eight months since I started this daily writing and posting to my blog. Wow. It feels all at once like I’ve always been writing this way and also like I just started. I think I’ve written from the heart and gut. I’ve been honest. I’ve given exactly what I had to give in the moment. Sometimes that’s a lot. And sometimes it’s hardly anything. But I’ve stuck with it and still managed to get something splattered on the page and out into the ether every single day so far this year.

I’d like to share a few things I’ve learned. And a happy memory.

1. Writing at night is my version of procrastination and laziness.

2. Guilt is a great motivator.

3. My writing has brought me closer to others.

4. People I would never expect have read my blog.

5. Writing succinctly is a skill that takes practice. And after 209 days I’m still not great at it.

6. I have endless things to share. Writers block is not real.

7. Something new, unique, inspiring, or opinion worthy happens every single day.

I’ll end this post by sharing something that I hope will always stay in my memory bank. We swam at the tennis club today in Lake Washington. Lou and I went out in the water, which was still cold and exhilarating. He kicked and splashed like crazy. Screaming with glee and licking the water. He loves swimming and that makes me so happy. To see him so alive and excited about this simple pleasure.

Afterwards we took a hot shower and got dressed in the locker room. Once we are dressed and have gathered our suits and towels I stood him on a bench to dry his hair with a hair dryer. It’s part of our routine when we go swimming. He stands and touches the things on the counter and lets me tussle and dry his hair. His “neon” blond hair as my brother Tom says.

I was looking at Lou today thinking how grateful I was for that moment. That he isn’t aware of so many things that will change how we interact just yet. Like being a boy and me being a girl. Or that he isn’t self conscious about his looks. He’s just getting his hair dried by momma and enjoying the feel of warm air on his hair. In ten years he won’t want me to do that. And I probably won’t either. Haha. But right now it’s a way we bond and spend time together. It’s a perfect beautiful special thing to get to dry his hair and look at how beautiful he is.

I hope I always remember it. And that we keep making new and wonderful memories. That I keep growing as a person, mom, and writer.

Oh and I’m turning 40 this week. So it’s safe to say I don’t want to waste any of the precious time I have left on this Earth and with my sweet little family and friends.

Thanks for continuing to read my blog. I’ve got four more months to complete my New Years resolution and I’m excited to keep sharing with you.

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