Tip The Scales

I’ve been mulling over this idea of producing more than you consume for a few days now. Since I’ve started writing and posting again every day I’ve felt a weight lifting from my heart. Doing what I love every day and sharing it with the few but mighty people who follow my blog has felt like a homecoming. I’m actually producing something that matters to me and doing it consistently.

I think this is why I enjoy gardening and exercising and cooking and creative things like writing and music. I’m producing something. I’m taking what’s in my head and making it real. I also enjoy reading and listening to podcasts and eating good food and watching movies. But it feels a bit more balanced now that I’m also putting something of my own out there again.

I wonder how much anxiety we feel has to do with consuming more than we produce. It makes sense. Consuming is passive. Watching. Listening. Scrolling. While producing is active. We do. We write. We grow. We cook. We dance. We sing. We ride. We are in motion in one way or another. We put our energy into something and it goes out into the world.

Maybe the antidote to much of our worry lies in tipping the scales towards producing the things we love and enjoy more than we consume them. Giving something of ourselves instead of constantly taking.

Either way it feels good to write again. To do the thing I’ve been wanting to do every day. To be unstuck. And the key to staying unstuck is to keep doing the thing, day after day after day.

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