Thinking Twice

Before you make a decision you might regret. Think twice. Usually our first instinct is muddled by emotion, which can sometimes cause us to behave less than our best.

Thinking twice gives us space to consider how we really feel. To weigh pros and cons. And to make a decision that we can feel proud of later.

Rash decisions- hitting send on a nasty email, giving another driver the finger, drinking another martini- often leave us with regret. We ignore our better judgment because it feels good or justified in the moment.

I went on a camping trip once where the guide told all of us to “take two” before we did something. He meant take two seconds to consider the consequences of our actions. To think ahead to the possible outcomes both good and bad.

It’s a good rule of thumb that if you’re making a decision in a fit of emotions to take two to consider the alternatives.

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