The Things That Await

Today I did all the things. I finally planted heather along our fence. I weed whacked. I mopped the hardwood floors. I baked scones with fresh peaches. What a day.

My leave is coming to an end soon. I’m both looking forward to going back to work and not. Mostly because I will miss spending the morning in bed drinking coffee with Kady and the boys. And spending all day with them laughing and playing and gazing into their beautiful faces.

I’ve been blessed to have this time with them. And I feel like I’ve done it justice. In a dream world I’d never have to be away from them all day. They are growing so fast. They are a wonder to me.

And it’s been so wonderful to be with Kady. Having time together to care for our little family and make our house perfect. We’ve done all the things this summer too.

But as all good things this time must come to an end. And new and equally wonderful things await.

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