The Stories We Write

Are often far more dramatic than real life. Are based on assumptions we make about others. Tend to focus on the worst case scenario.

But what if in real life it was exactly the opposite? What if the person you’re angry at is actually not out to get you? Or the situation isn’t nearly as dire as you think? What if it’s all ok?

We tend to tell ourselves the worst so we can feel prepared when it happens. But we are assuming the worst is an inevitability. And we end up missing the best and causing undue agony because of it.

The next time you write a story in your head about what’s happening in your real life take a step back. Ask yourself if you’re being fair to the reality of the situation. If you’re giving the good an equal arc as you are the bad.

After all we are all capable of rewriting our stories. We just have to be willing to let go of the ones that aren’t moving us forward.

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