The Root Of Frustration

Is an inability to accept the present moment. A baby puking on your clean shirt. A bad decision at work. Traffic. Whatever it is frustration manifests because we can’t accept what’s happening to us in real time.

Sometimes this is a good thing. If it propels us to take action and move forward. Working smarter. Innovating. Learning. Laughing it off.

Sometimes this is a bad thing. When it impacts our relationships. When we choose to dwell in anger. When we stay put in our angst.

Frustration is normal. It’s what we do with it that matters. Learning to accept starts by acknowledging how we feel. Then deciding how we want to be. If we want to move forward. These are the daily choices that come with a full life and a life full of responsibilities.

It is rarely easy. But when it’s hard we can choose to be and do better.

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