The Rhythm Of Parenting

The rhythm of parenting is such that after a frustrating moment something special happens. Tonight my son let me cut all of his nails. Sounds gross but it was the sweetest most tender moment. I held his warm little hands and clipped each nail quietly while we watched a cooking show together. He didn’t struggle or wiggle at all. He just let me move from one nail to the next quietly observing. And after I was all done he whined for me to hold his hand again and keep clipping.

He was so trusting and curious and it made me feel so close to him. I’m grateful for that moment with him. And also that his nails no longer rival Wolverine’s.

Parenting is a true test of perseverance. One minute you feel like a monster. The next you are sharing a moment of complete trust and love. You’ve got to just stick with it. Take the good with the bad. And appreciate these precious moments.

Here’s to my parents for raising three of us hellions who turned out to be pretty successful adults. And to all the parents out there. And all the loving support we get from the good people in our lives.

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