Telling Stories

I used to make flip books as a kid. Stick figures riding skate boards and doing jumps. Going up and down a ramp. Falling and getting back up. Sometimes I’d even have some words scroll across the top. They were so fun to make. Just a simple entertaining animation.

I also wrote poetry. I was famous (but not really) for a poem I wrote about my cat Coco. Some friends even requested that I write it in their high school year book. It was meant to make people laugh and poke fun at my cat, whom I adored. If you know me well you remember her real name. 😉

Then I wrote songs and played guitar. I wrote hundreds of little ditties and even recorded them and gave a couple copies to some friends. I wrote and sang about love, confusion, joy, finding yourself. I even played one of my songs in front of my entire family. Which was nerve wracking.

And now I write daily on this blog.

I love telling stories. And at each stage of my life I’ve continued to do that just in different ways. Stories meant to make someone laugh. Or to inspire. Or guide. Or make someone feel less alone. Flip books. Songs. Poems. Posts. There are so many ways to write and narrate.

When I think about all the writing and storytelling I’ve done in my life I’m inspired. To keep showing up and telling my stories.

Thanks for joining me.

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