Tattooed On My Heart

There is nothing more humbling than being a parent. You’re accountable to the lives you’ve been blessed with. You run the gamut of emotions on a daily, hourly basis. You feel awful. Then amazing. Then confused. Then in love. All within a matter of minutes. You’re inspired. Awed. Amazed. Filled with wonder. And equally filled with self doubt and fear and Christ almighty then you hear a crash and are scared your baby is hurt. Then there’s a tug at your leg and you look down into the eyes of an angel.

Nothing makes you feel more insane. More joyful. More insane again. Nothing makes you laugh more. Or cry harder.

I cannot picture my life without Lou and Julian. As hard as it is. As much as I have to learn. As much as I fail and feel like shit. There is no doubt about the depths of my love. You were both born and “always” became permanently tattooed on my heart.

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