Here We Go

If I had jumped in a boat and immediately started winning races I probably never would have accomplished much in the sport of rowing. I started late. I was always behind. I wasn’t fit. But it made me gritty, angry, and determined. I remember the dismissive things people said about me. I catalogued them...

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Do You Miss It

People ask me if I miss coaching. When I stopped rowing in 2012 people asked me the same question. Do you miss it? The answer is no. And it sounds weird and harsh to say that but it’s not because I’m callous and don’t care. If I missed coaching or rowing I would still...

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The Call

I can feel it still. I see video of myself rowing when I was in my prime. I can feel the impulse, the rhythm, the power. I don’t row much at all anymore. I’m on the water coaching too many hours of the day to have the energy to get out and put in...

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When I was in first grade I was a major tomboy. Not really a surprise considering I grew up with two older brothers that I was either in competition with, being chased by, or being taught sneaky tricks to win a game. In gym class we would occasionally have a substitute teacher. Most of us...

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Keeping The Well Full

Coaching is a tough occupation. The hours are odd, the days are long, and talking and communicating all day is exhausting. I get sick of hearing my own voice. I think that’s why I like writing so much. It’s a way to communicate quietly and subtly. The toughest thing about coaching is keeping your...

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My Coaching Philosophy: Everyone Can Be Reached

Over the past sixteen years of involvement in the sport of rowing I have gone through many phases of certainty about my coaching philosophy. This philosophy has evolved over time through challenging experiences, successes and failures, and by working with multitudes of different athletes and programs. Since joining the Pocock Rowing Center as a full time coach...

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Favorite Rowing Drill

One of my favorite rowing drills is the balance drill. I usually did this at the beginning of a row either to test my core stability or to show off in front of my teammates. When I trained at Potomac Boat Club in Washington, DC, we would launch at 6am and meet on the...

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