Swim Baby Swim

Today was the first day of swim lessons with Lou. It was so much fun. We sang songs. We kicked towards rubber duckies. We jumped off the side of the pool. We went under water.

  • I let go of Lou several times and let him figure out how to kick himself back up above the water. Each time I expected panic in his eyes. But I saw exhilaration. Glee even. He was figuring it out. Figuring out how to swim. To survive. The stay above water.
  • It was so awesome to watch. He was exhausted afterwards and we took a shower and headed home. He fell asleep feeding himself a piece of cereal.
  • Today was my first day of parental leave. I witnessed my son make a breakthrough in the pool. I spent time with my babies and my wife. I’m grateful to have this time with them. How lucky am I?
  • I can’t wait for lesson number two tomorrow.
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