Surprise Cuts

Have you ever cut your finger while cooking dinner? Suddenly the world goes from relaxed to panicked. There is a moment of sheer confusion. What is this sudden flash of pain? Should I call for help? And then the realization that you’ve sliced your finger open chopping tomatoes. Then you go into assessment mode. How bad is it? Do I need stitches? Should I go to the emergency room?

I think surprise cuts are the scariest because they are sudden, unexpected, and often happen during mundane activities. They are disorienting in a way that causes fight or flight to kick in. And with adrenaline pumping through your vains it’s hard to remain calm and rational.

We can try to plan for tragic events or unforeseen circumstances. By saving money. Having health insurance. Eating well and exercising. Or stocking up on non perishables in case the big one finally hits. But you can’t plan for surprise cuts. They are unavoidable by their very nature. Maybe I should have been using a better knife. Or ordered takeout. But there’s no amount of preparation that will prevent the inevitable minor catastrophes that being human brings with it.

So the best thing you can do when surprise cuts happen is to stay calm and accept they are part of life. They aren’t worth catastrophizing or dwelling on. They’re a hangnail. When you pull it off the pain is immediate but temporary and then it heals. There are more worthwhile and serious matters to invest your time, money, or energy in.

Of course I’m not just talking about cutting your finger making dinner. Each day at work or at home brings other cuts. And it’s up to you to decide is it worth getting hopped up and adrenalized and possibly doing or saying something you’ll regret? We may not always be responsible for the cuts but it remains a choice how to respond. Because we’re human it’s not likely we’ll be able to shut off our emotions. Ans that’s ok. But with practice we can ingrain the ability to move on quickly and be better off for it.

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