Something Small

It might feel like it doesn’t matter. That it won’t change anything. That it’s trivial. But maybe it’s not. Whatever “it” is.

A hug. A smile. A congratulations. A chocolate bar. Hearing and seeing another human being.

It matters. We might not be able to completely change someone’s life. Or change their circumstances with a single gesture. Or rid the world of its problems.

But we can convey and give love. In many many ways.

It matters. To that person. We don’t know the full story. All we can do is try. Offer our heart genuinely in the moment. Knowing we may be rejected. Knowing it might not land how we intend. Knowing it might not change anything.

But it’s better to try than not at all. Because when it does land it makes the world a better place. Even if only for a moment. A place that we all want to live in.

It’s easy to become numb and cocoon ourselves in our own cozy lives. It’s easy to trick ourselves into thinking we have problems too and that gives us the right to ignore others. Numbness is not a way to live. And part of loving unconditionally means we expose ourselves to pain and suffering – of ourselves and others. It means empathy.

It’s ok if that small thing doesn’t change the world. We live in the moment anyway. So if we can make that moment better for someone else we should. Or at least that’s how I feel.

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