So Much Good

Today a crane fell in South Lake Union. And there was a synagogue shooting in Southern California. And I’m sure a bombing somewhere. And that guy that sits in the Oval Office probably said something horrible. And so on and so on and so on.

It’s all over the news. Social media. Conversations. There is so much wrong with the world. What is wrong with the world?


Maybe this is controversial. I don’t see it that way. I think we are obsessed with talking about all the shitty things that happen every day. We’ve gotten into a nasty habit of focusing on horrible things. And getting angry. And spreading judgment. And perpetuating the dialogue of a world gone wrong such that we are a virus infecting the global psyche.

But what about the good. The small. The large. The every day. A hug. A prayer. A donation. Helping someone in need. Problem solving the water crisis. Finding a cure for cancer and aids and diabetes. Research that hopes to improve people’s lives. Inclusion. Conversation. Art. Music. Dancing. I can go on and on.

Maybe I’m an optimist and you are not. But there is a lot of good in the world to focus on. Of course there are problems. Of course people do terrible things. But they also do wonderful things. They teach. They inspire. They share. They persevere. Wouldn’t it be nice to try to understand and relate rather than disagree and separate.

Maybe I’m privileged. And I can understand if someone doesn’t see the world the way that I do. But I choose to share my thoughts in order to touch someone else’s life. To spread love in the world. I probably only reach a handful of people. But maybe something I’ve said they’ve shared. And that’s good work.

We are bombarded with terrible news every minute of the day. It’s hard not to take it in and get caught up. But maybe it’s worth getting caught up in changing what we are spreading. Try for just one day, hell one hour to acknowledge what’s beautiful and good in your life. Share that. Get wrapped up in wonder and awe and focusing on seeing what’s good. Instead of defaulting to the bad all the time.

There is so much good in the world.

One Comment

  1. You sound like the walrus in the story I read to my daughter this evening. Penguin Problems by Jory John is about a complaint filled penguin who gets lectured by a walrus to look around and appreciate the good things. Good reminder for all of us.

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