
Eventually we have to return. To reality. To work. To dreams and goals and progress. To the Earth as ashes. There is always a returning to at some point.

It’s important to leave sometimes. To learn. To gain clarity. To raise babies. To separate ourselves from the routine and realize what matters and what doesn’t.

The important thing about returning is that you bring the wisdom you’ve gained with you. To approach things anew. With renewed enthusiasm and gratitude. The world still spins even when we go away for a little bit. We don’t have to catch up. We just have to start again from a new vantage point.

I have gained so much by being home these six weeks. I’m as imperfect as I ever was. But I’ve looked into each of my boys eyes and felt the deepest purest love. And I’ve looked at my wife and been astounded by her again and again.

I don’t want time back. I want to move forward and make sure that what I give is everything. At work. And most importantly at home. That these wonderful humans I get to be close to get the best of me whether I’m on leave or not.

I’m ready.

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