Nothing Works

It’s hard not to think you do everything wrong when nothing seems to work. The anxiety around nighttime routines, kids acting up in social situations, just generally not knowing what to do or why something is happening.

Hard isn’t the right word. Scary. Demotivating. Stressful.

When nothing seems to work what else can you do?

I suppose you can pray. If for nothing more than comfort and peace of mind. Seeking a higher power or reasoning to sustain you through some of the most difficult situations in your life.

Not know what to do is worse than anything. It makes you feel helpless and inadequate. Like a failure.

I know I’m not alone in feeling this way as a parent but it sure does feel debilitating in the moment and like it will never get better. Losing a sense of hope feels like it’s all caving in.

I’m trying to hold out. To believe. But I’ve never been stretched this far and this wide before. I thought I knew how to push my limits before but I have never felt them pushed like this. I thought I was tough and accomplished but I feel neither now. I thought I was wise but I feel lost.

So. I’ll pray. And hope. And persevere. And keep trying. There’s really nothing else to do when nothing works.

Parents – hang in there. And if you’re crushing it kudos to you for being awesome.

One Comment

  1. Hang in there!!! I’m sure it will get better. And I’m sure I’ll be in your shoes in approximately 5 months. Rowan and every single kid I know went through a massive bedtime/sleep regression right at Lou’s age. You will make it to the other side!
    Side note: A book our doctor recommended is ” How to talk so kids will listen & listen so kids will talk” by Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish. It’s good so far…I need to keep reading it.

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