Not Ready

This post is a placeholder. For the right time. The time when I can adequately express what it is that I want to say. Some ideas need more time to percolate. They can’t be spewed out late at night after a long day. They need more care. More mulling over. More delicacy.

The risk is that I’ll never actually get it out. So I’ve got to hold myself accountable. Not let what’s deep in there and important to me to pass and recede into the folds of my mind.

There’s a risk in everything I share. But there’s also a risk in everything I don’t. And I’ve got to manage both of those constantly.

I know that not everything I share is brilliant. Maybe nothing is. But I’m committed to doing this work. To finding my voice. To letting it out into the world. But sometimes certain things need curation. I’m not just filling white space with words.

Thank you for reading.

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