Nailed It

Today was the first day of my parental leave. Hoorah! We took the boys to the zoo. I had nitro cold brew. I got some great yard work done. And I got to a point where I thought I should probably stop and go rest. But I saw some ivy creeping all up and down the side of our house so I started to pull it up. Just a few more minutes I said. And as I was moving to get better leverage on a nasty little vine I stepped right onto an old nail in a two by four laying against the house.

I felt it go through the bottom of my sneaker and into my foot. It was the weirdest feeling. It didn’t really hurt at first. But I immediately jumped off the board and ran inside to clean it.

And now I have to go to the doctor tomorrow to have it examined. I had my TDAP about four years ago so I should be fine but it still stinks.

And this is classic me.

Instead of taking things slowly and resting on the first day of my leave I go all out and injure myself. It’s in my genes.

I know I know there’s a lesson. Take it easy. Don’t try to do it all at once. Stop being a spazz. But it’s been 40 years and I haven’t learned it yet. Perhaps a nail in the foot will finally get through. I definitely don’t want to Home Alone myself again. So maybe I’ll try to go slower and not try to do it all.

First day of leave: nailed it! Can’t wait for what the next six weeks bring.

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