Nagging Foot

My right foot just hurts. My chiro told me it was arthritis, which I will accept. But what I won’t accept is the stupid nagging aching sometimes throbbing pain. It keeps me up at night.

My foot has been bothering me for well over six months. I thought it would go away. Classic idiot move. It didn’t. But I continued to run on it. To do lunges on it. So I saw the chiro who’s helped me in the past with back pain. And I’ve been doing the exercises and trying new things to help ease the ache. But it’s still there, nagging. Annoying. Stupid fricking foot. I’m old.

But I’m determined to make it better. I’m not going to be beaten by one stupid big toe. But what I’m doing right now isn’t working. I need to make a change.

The power of nagging is that it can get so loud and annoying that eventually you can’t ignore it. Once you’re at that point you’re already in serious trouble. How do I prevent the nagging in the first place? Back off? No. That’s not in my athlete nature. Go see a doctor? Only when there is pain. I’m a stubborn idiot sometimes. But the truth is if I don’t stop the stupid decisions that come before the nagging it will continue to happen again and again. Nagging will be my oldest and most loyal friend if I let it.

It’s time to address the nagging and create a new friend : foresight. Recognize some common patterns and slow down enough to address them and plan ahead. Make better decisions that are focused on the long term benefit rather than satiating a short term desire.

Hello foresight my new friend. This won’t be easy but if we work together we might get that pest nagging to keep away for good.

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