Move One Thing

We got a king bed this weekend. My wife and I are not small people and with our little one sometimes (ok, always) crawling into bed with us our queen bed just wasn’t cutting it anymore.

I was hanging out downstairs on Saturday and heard a ruckus upstairs. When I came up my wife had moved the bed to another wall in the bedroom. And it totally changed the whole vibe. It finally felt like a master bedroom. It was a great change and maybe one we wouldn’t have made without getting the new bed.

It’s amazing how moving just one thing can transform a space or change how you feel. The room seemed fine before. Definitely livable. But sometimes we get stuck and don’t even know it. Because we are used it it. Because it’s comfortable. Because it’s easier not to change. Because we are tired and would rather just go to bed than deal with it.

But perhaps we are thinking about it all wrong. Maybe we don’t have to move everything in order to live a better life. Or do better work. Or smile more. Or breathe easier. Maybe we just move one thing. The thing that stands in the way. The thing that seems to big. It’s easier to move a ton of small stuff around. We do it every day. It seems like it takes less effort and that we are getting a lot done. But we’re just staying busy staying put. Moving a whole bunch of crap around only to move it all around again tomorrow makes no sense. But it’s what we become good at when we’re afraid to make a change.

What’s the one thing you could move that would make a difference in your life? Got an answer? Go move that thing.

Thanks for reading.

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