
We got in late last night from Hawaii. Ate some pizza and zonked out. The power went out in the middle of the night due to a wind storm that knocked down a large tree in our neighborhood. But we slept late. Gloriously late for us- 9:30 am. The power finally came back on around 11:15 this morning.

I’m just now realizing that I forgot to write a post yesterday. And I could blame it on travel. Fatigue. Etc. But the truth is I’m just not in the routine yet. I’ve been writing at random times often right before bed when I realize “oh crap, I need to write a post.” I just plain forgot.

So today I’m going to post twice to make up for it. But I’m also realizing that this goal of one post a day isn’t just going to happen. I won’t just remember without putting some sort of routine or plan in place.

Setting some alarms on my phone or a daily reminder that it’s time to write should help.

But, I’m curious what those of you out there trying to accomplish a goal like this or to follow through on something that really matters to you do to keep up or stay in practice? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Second post will be out later today. Probably right after another “oh crap” moment. Setting that reminder now…..

Update: I did actually post yesterday! But the fact that I couldn’t remember says that I’m still not in the habit. I did think ahead to post before our flight but I still need to put a routine in place so I don’t have these senior moments.

One Comment

  1. Make this what it is—-a fun thing. Just like training for rowing, you need rest days. Your wife and son and friends need attention, life has a lot of details that have to be done. I think you are on the right track, thinking about getting into a routine. Find the middle ground, write everyday if you can, but figure there will be days of other priorities, but do not let that become everyday.

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