Leaping Out Of Bed

Ok let’s be real. I need more sleep. So I’m not leaping out of bed these days. More like crawling. But I am motivated to get up even when I’m tired by certain things.

Coffee. It’s comforting. It’s warm. It smells and tastes good. It’s the fresh start to a new day. Tastes like possibility.

Seth Godin’s blog. It’s like a tiny Christmas present every morning in my inbox. Something that makes me think. Nudges me. Inspires me. Something from someone I trust. And it’s free.

Writing. Every morning I think about what I want to write. I’m in an online workshop right now and I write my own responses and respond to what others write. It expands my thinking and helps me be more succinct in how I communicate.

Hard work. I enjoy a full day of work most of the time. I have goals. I build relationships. I like being able to say I got a lot done at the end of the day.

If I had to pick something that got me really excited out of that list (besides coffee) I would say writing. Every day there is something totally new I can write about and share. It helps me process my emotions. Hone my craft. Connect with others. And build something that matters to me.

What makes you leap out of bed in the morning?

PS if I don’t get at least one sarcastic response I’m going to be very disappointed. G’night.

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