Just A Sprinkle

A little goes a long way. Or for those of you my age “a little dab’ll do ya.” This project isn’t about any one post. It’s not about writing something perfect every day. It’s about day after day coming back to this blog. Facing the reminder to post. Facing the goal that I’ve set. And doing the work.

It’s hard. I get to the end of the day and have no idea what I’m going to write about. I’ll even write something and then not post it because it’s not worth sharing. Which helps clear the cobwebs and warm up the writing muscles. But it’s not easy to come up with something new that I think might be worth sharing publicly every single day.

That’s why I’ve set this goal: one post a day for a year. Because it’s not easy. Because it takes hard and consistent work. Because it’s daunting and scary. And because I think it’s worth doing. It will challenge me to dig deeper than I ever have before. And to decide if this kind of writing is what I want to do.

Over time the picture of who I am as a writer will start to become more clear. Blog post after blog post, like brush strokes on a painting. One after the other the story starts to unfold. That’s something to get seriously excited about.

Here’s to one more.

One Comment

  1. Keep it up Margot, I look forward to reading what’s new with you everyday. You have someone who’s been reading your posts from Hong Kong during her travel.

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