I Really Should

Not wait until the end of the night to post. I’ve just spent 90′ trying to get my son to go to sleep. I’m annoyed. And tired.

The point of this blog isn’t to just post a bunch of rants about parenting and sleep deprivation. I have more to say than that.

But like my post from a couple days ago says sometimes other ideas take longer to percolate.

But too much percolation and they can become stale or lose the sense of urgency behind them.

Rants are not what I have to say (all the time). There’s more. Just beneath the surface. So much more I want to say.

I’m not being vague to be creepy or make you wonder. I’m trying to motivate myself to find the balls to post something with substance. Something from within me. Something about me. How I feel about representation of who I am in the world.

For tonight I’ll just have to settle for this rant because I’m too damn tired to go to the well right now.

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