How To Beat Exhaustion

First of all – laugh. You can’t be exhaustion.

But also here are some things that actually help me get through fatigue.

Whipped cream in my coffee. This might seem decadent but those fluffy clouds of creamy sweetness make the morning a little more bearable.

A good blog. Something that’s thought provoking and short enough not to demand too much brain capacity at 5 am.

A brisk walk. The weather in Seattle is pretty conducive to getting outside most days of the year. A good hour walk gets the blood flowing. Gets me away from technology (mostly). And helps me clear my head.

Laughter. Whether with teammates, old friends, or my family, laughter helps make pretty much anything, including being very tired, easier to manage. A good laugh can’t replace an hour of sleep, but it sure is good for the soul.

Sharing the load. This is so important in marriage and parenting. Dividing and conquering and sharing in all the many responsibilities that come with family and a home. Things might not always be fifty fifty and understanding there is a give and take makes a huge difference when you’re tired as heck and there is no end in sight.

Having a few minutes of alone time. Just to think. Or be still. Or listen to the silence. Could be in the living room at 6 am or in the car on your commute to and from work. But even 15′ of time just for you can give you enough of a refresh that you’re a better person and better to those around you.

Exhaustion is rough and tough on a marriage as any parents know. But finding ways to pick yourself up and to be a better partner really help. Sometimes giving more when you really feel like you’re tapped out is better for everyone involved and can bring you closer together. And knowing you’ve got someone who will do the same for you is a comfort that helps offset the fatigue.

What do you do to beat exhaustion?

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