Hide And Seek

We all want to hide sometimes. To crawl away somewhere and pretend our problems don’t exist. That the world isn’t a total mess right now. Big or small there is a desire to run away from what’s difficult.

But at the essence of hiding for me is a desire to be found. To find myself. To find clarity. To find guidance. To find healing. To find love.

Hiding won’t make whatever is going on go away. And the reality is the problems might never go away no matter how hard we work or how much we want them to. So it takes a perspective shift. A change in attitude. Acceptance. Perseverance. Grit.

Hiding is something we do when we can’t figure out how to move forward. Hiding only has value if you come out of it with a plan, even if it’s one small step forward, or one small attempt at progress. Seeking. Seeking to be better. To live more openly. To love without condition. To keep trying over and over. To never give up. That’s what this game is all about.

Are you hiding or seeking?

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