Hello Chaos My Old Friend

Everything feels so hard right now. Work. Family. It all feels super charged. One minute I’m riding high. The next I’m feeling desperate and despairing.

Things are still not normal. In fact they are more hectic than ever. Humans are just terrible at taking the pressure off even with a backdrop of an ongoing global pandemic.

We need to ground ourselves somehow.

A hug. A shared laugh. Some good chocolate. Whatever. Anything that brings us back to stasis.

I battle with taming the chaos. But am realizing chaos will never be tamed. I’m going about it the wrong way. It’s about picking what matters most and ignoring all the f-ing noise and relentlessly moving forward.

Or I don’t know. What do you think?

(Btws I forced myself to write this and set a five minute timer. Sometimes more time isn’t the answer. It’s urgency. What matters most. Go do that.)

One Comment

  1. …and sometimes just an happy hour. Thanks for organizing our team’s PRIDE Happy hour last week!

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