Held back

Sometimes in life we don’t make it to that next step when we want to. We might even be ready for it but for some reason we get held back. Things don’t happen in the timeline that we want. It’s frustrating. It’s annoying. It might even make us mad. But I have found that every time in life when I haven’t quite gotten where I wanted to be when I wanted it has always made me a better person and better at whatever I’m doing.

I hold myself to a very high standard and I have high expectations of what I can achieve in life. Sometimes that means I’m disappointed but I never ever give up. That willingness to persevere is what has always taken me to the next level.

A super critical part of the whole process is self-reflection. Did I leave room for doubt? If the answer is yes then there is still work to do. It can be hard to admit this to yourself, that you’re not quite ready. But being able to do so is what allows you to grow and move forward and ultimately make the changes and improvements and progress that you need to make to get to where you want to be.

It’s also a chance to reevaluate and re-define your goals. Maybe they have gotten fuzzy over time. Or you’ve lost some motivation. Ask yourself what is it that you really want ? Who do you want to be? And then come up with a concrete plan to get there. How do you leave no doubt?

Instead of spending your time wallowing and feeling bad about yourself, focus. Grind your teeth, turn on your determination again, and get back to work.

 The only thing left standing in your way is you.

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