Go Deep

It takes courage and resiliency and determination to write every day. There have been many nights I have wanted to just shut off my phone and go to sleep and not write a post. On the eve of the fifth month of this project to post once a day for a year I am reminded of just how much work I’ve put in and how much more that still needs to be done.

My mom used to tell me that anything worth having is worth fighting for. It takes consistent, demanding work to write once a day and to share it with the world. And I’m committed to do the work and see this project through.

Each night I face a blank page and an obligation. I know I’ll be far more disappointed than anybody else if I don’t post something. And I suppose that’s how I’ve always been motivated: to never settle for less than my best and to keep pushing my limits. But it takes a lot of digging deep to keep finding more and better.

I feel a sense of accomplishment each night when I hit publish. And the fact that anyone reads my humble blog is just cream cheese icing on the cake. The harder it gets the more I find I have to give to this. I don’t worry that the well will run dry because the world around me gives me fuel and knowing that someone gets a laugh or smile or tear or meaning out of anything I’ve written makes the hard work feel worthwhile.

Thank you to any and everyone who has read one or two or all my posts. I plan to keep going for a while more and am excited for all the new things to share.

One Comment

  1. Keep it up Margot!!! I really enjoy reading your blog and staying connected with a friend. You’re almost half way and it’ll be Christmas before you know it.

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