
Being generous is about more than giving money or donating something. Being generous is about making room for others. Creating space for them to feel. To grow. To live fully.

There are simple ways we can be generous.

By listening. Not waiting to say what we have to say. But actually listening and hearing someone.

By complaining less and empathizing more. You’ve had a long day I’m sure. And are exhausted. Tired from dealing with the kids. Or work stresses. What have you. But what about your partner? What was their day like? Instead of telling them about how long and hard your day was, tell them they must have had a hard day and ask what can you do for them.

By apologizing less and showing more through your actions. What matters is what we do not the promises we make. What matters is how you show up and treat others not saying sorry for being a jerk. What matters is meeting someone else at the halfway point and ebbing and flowing across that line together.

By paying attention to what’s not being said and what’s not being done. It’s easier to focus on the things that stand out. To assume everything is alright because someone is not particularly vocal. To focus on the people in the room and not the one that opted out. These are opportunities to connect. To learn. And to help.

By asking what can I do for you instead of what’s in it for me.

Being generous is it’s own reward. To see the positive impact we can have on others in this life. To share experiences. To build trust and hope and love. In big ways. And small. It relieves our own pain. And helps us shine light on others and fill the world with joy.

Go. Be generous.

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