Find A Way

So many things in my life have been a matter of just getting through. Surviving until the end or until something is different or easier. And I might make it through but did I learn anything valuable that could improve my life outside of the immediate situation? Probably not.

I’m faced with challenges right now and will certainly be again in the future. And I can either get through. Or I can find a way to master the skills to own them and thrive. And use those skills to make my life and the lives of those around me better.

So much of my thinking has been short term. And because of that I don’t see the bigger picture or implications. And I don’t master my emotions or find a way to be present that could make the moment better as well as enable me to live a better life in the future.

This year one of my commitments is to improve my mental health. Improve my ability to handle adversity. My ability to be more present and less caught up in the heat of my emotions. For me and for my family. And one thing I’m exploring to do that is meditation. I’m so early in my discovery and experience with it. But I feel excited about the possibilities that it holds and how it can change and improve my life.

This year I’m all about finding a way. To success. To happiness. To strength. To love. To awareness.

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