Fill The World

This weekend I have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support from our friends and family. We’ve been blessed with a beautiful baby boy. And we’ve also been dealing with the very sad and sudden passing of my dad.

So many people have expressed thoughts and prayers. Sent messages of support and excitement. And expressed condolences.

I’ve heard from close friends and family. And friends whom I have not spoken to in many years.

This is the beauty of social media and the age of interconnectedness. It can bring us closer together with the simple texting of a message or use of a platform to communicate.

I am so grateful to each and every person who has reached out. To share a memory. A photo. A prayer. A kind word. A like. To spread love. Thank you for this.

I do believe we have the power to be this way all the time. To stop spreading anger and hate. And instead to share our kind words and empathy and to collectively lift each other up.

Before my dad passed away I had the chance to talk with him. He said something that I loved. “We are too mean. We need to stop being mean to each other.” It’s such a simple and true sentiment. Let this moment in time be a reminder that it is within our power, our grasp, and our reach to love and be loved. Let’s do that. Let’s fill the world with kindness and compassion and love. Don’t wait. No regrets. Do it now. In the end it’s all that really matters.

Hugs to all of you.

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