Fifteen Minutes Until Home

Time is a luxury. We never have enough time these days. We are busy busy busy. Checking messages. Answering emails. Gorging on social media. I don’t have time to read. I don’t have time to interact with my friends or family. I’m too busy. It’s a moaning pathetic mantra. We chant and rant it incessantly.

And I think because of this perception of being busy we don’t actually get anything meaningful done in a typical day. We check boxes and the constant influx of thumbs up thumbs down likes and comments and streams and feeds keeps us numb and grossly unproductive.

What could we get done if we had actual time constraints and consequences? Not just checking boxes but putting meaning and value out into the world. Meaning does take time but it’s time well spent. Knowing how many likes you have on Facebook doesn’t change anything but it does give you a hit of dopamine that lasts a millisecond.

I dream about writing most of the day but I’m afraid. Afraid of what I will say. What I will reveal. If it will sound stupid. If people will even care. So I avoid it. I put the lists and the boxes and the feeds first instead of feeding first my soul.

What can I say with the fifteen minutes until home? Maybe nothing. Maybe something. But at least I tried. Tried to create something real. I don’t care if you like this or if anyone reads it. I got something done today. What did you do?

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