
I’m astounded by the number of people in my feed who have managed to make these protests and riots about themselves. Who can’t understand why what’s happening is happening. Who have managed to ignore the giant fucking purple elephant in the room – the abundant and abhorrant institutional racism against black people that exists in America today. The number of people who think their lives are being harmfully impacted by current events. Tell me who stood on your neck today?

People. Black people. Are. Dying. Rather. They are being murdered right before our eyes.

You. Are. Wrong. And you need to wake up. Is it really that much of a stretch to understand what is going on and how it’s literally killing people of color? You have eyes but you don’t see.

Black people are fighting for their goddamn lives every second of every day. They are being killed without remorse. They are being persecuted unfairly and overtly and their peaceful protests have been ignored, mocked, and ridiculed.

I am angry at your ignorance. By my own silence.

Educate yourselves.

Gain some empathy for your fellow humans.

This isn’t your country. Your town. Your planet. You claim it is but the only time you care is when you feel like what you have is being threatened. Imagine having nothing. No safety. No comfort. No recourse for a lifetime of injustice. You are blinded by your ignorance.

The coin toss of your existence just as easily could have landed on the other side. And what would you be feeling then? Imagine it. Live it for five minutes. Then imagine centuries.

We all deserve equality and freedom. And we need to fight to make that happen for everyone. Our humanity is combusting and we are the match.

I’m not trying to be eloquent. I’m trying to be real.

You’re part of the problem. And I’m tired of being polite about it.

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