Face The Music

It is so easy to avoid the hard work. The work that matters. There are hundreds of thing i can easily distract myself with. Pretending they have value. But the nagging doesn’t go away. The nagging doesn’t stop until the work is done.

When all you do every day is row, sleep, eat, row, repeat – the routine forces you to face the hard work and get it done multiple times every day. Otherwise you just won’t be competitive. You won’t be fast.

But with something like writing without a routine anything can pull you away and suck all your time and energy.

Yes I’m in the “habit” of writing now every day. And I write far more each day than I actually post. But sometimes I’m posting stuff that is a cop out. I post it just to say I got it done that day. But I’m hiding.

I have to create more structure around my writing. I’ve been feeling this ways for a few weeks now. I manage to scrape something together on the really hard long days. And sometimes when I devote some extra focus I put out something that’s not terrible. But I think I’ve realized I’ll never really be good, the way I want to be, unless I create a routine and I practice and dedicate some real time and effort.

I can’t become a great writer fifteen minutes every day. For me that’s just not enough. And it’s taken me eleven months to realize that. Almost a year to realize I want to do more. Be better. Be a writer not just a blogger. This year was not a waste but I don’t want to spend next year not giving this what it needs. What it deserves.

So, I’ve got something to work on. To put a structure and real practice around this writing. I almost started scrolling through the wasteland of social media instead of writing this. But it was time to face the page and tell it who’s boss. Me. And I need to be a boss I’ll respect by not just showing up and posting something. But by showing up more and frequently and really pushing the limits of what I can do here. I don’t think I’ve even come close yet. Which is a nice thought.

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