
Tomorrow is not a guarantee. Life is unpredictable and tenuous. Tell those you love you love them, frequently. Try to do something for someone else each day. Let go of things that don’t matter. Be more open to others. Hold on to friends not tension. Look someone in the eye. Smile. Say good morning. Or sit quietly with someone. Don’t force others to bend to your will or beliefs. Be grateful for what you do have. Acknowledge wrongs but also rights. Hug your dog or cat or Fox. Accept you’re not perfect but perfectly human.

I have to tell you I have been on an emotional roller coaster the past few weeks. But sometimes the darkest suffering and insecurity can lead to clarity. Who we are and want to be is ever changing and evolving. And right now, in this moment, it’s ok. I’m sending love out to everyone I know right now and embracing each and everyone of you. Thank you for being a part of my life. For reading this blog. For sticking with me through all of it. I hope in some small way I’m there for you too.


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