Easy Chair 

It’s 5:49 am. The dog got up to let me know she’s ready for a walk and breakfast. I’m ready for neither. But I’ll go.

Last week words felt like they were exploding out of me and it felt good. This week I feel tired and uninspired.

Ebb and flow. Free and costly. Easy and hard. Generic and authentic. Forced and effusive.

The inconsistency of inspiration is disappointing.

I need to have some tactics to deal with this. I’ve started writing poetry again. And doing some free writing where I put down all my random thoughts as quickly as I can. It’s like a warm up before a workout. Getting things loose and turned on so the good stuff comes out.

It’s easier and more comfortable to curl into a ball and stay in the arm chair. I’ll admit I like it there.

Not much else to say right now. I’ve gotta take the dog out now.

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