
A donkey will freeze in place when it’s afraid and will not move until it knows it’s safe. I’m not a donkey expert but I am a Margot expert. And I know when I’m being stubborn like that there’s something else going on.

Digging your heels in might feel like you’re saving yourself. Fighting for what’s right or what matters. But the deeper your heels go the less you move. The harder you have to commit to staying in place.

Sure there are instances of self-preservation but more often than not you might be holding yourself back.

When we resist in this way it’s good to pause and ask ourselves why. Do I really need to be fighting this hard? Is this worth expending all my precious energy? Is there a better way to direct myself?

There’s a difference between holding yourself accountable to your high standards and being a stubborn donkey. It’s important to know the difference.

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