Couch Potato

My son has learned how to crawl onto our couch. As with many of a child’s milestones this is kind of cool and kind of terrifying. He’s already walked off the front of the couch and fallen onto his bum. He’s also rolled off the side multiple times. He doesn’t understand that what goes up must come down.

Parenting is uniquely challenging because you have to balance keeping your child safe with allowing them to make mistakes that will help them learn. You also have to balance your own neurosis with allowing them to explore the world and use their instincts.

The best part about my son getting up onto the couch is that now we can bro out together. And he really likes being up there. He thinks it’s so much fun. Such a simple thing like sitting on the couch is a BIG DEAL to him. It makes me appreciate how open and in awe of the world he is. While also testing my patience.

Kid(s) teach you so much about letting go. We can not control them nor should we. We can help them learn. Teach them to be respectful. Nurture their inquisitiveness. And renew our own sense of wonder and hope by seeing things anew through their eyes.

I can’t wait to see what he discovers next. I’m sure it will be something simple and wonderful.

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