Chicken In Your Teeth

Impressions are important. Especially when we want people to like us. Especially when those people have a hand in our future success. Especially when we are working hard to make sure that they are successful in the here and now.

Getting caught up in theatrics will only get you so far. People don’t have time for nonsense. They want real, tangible results without a lot of maintenance. Being loud will get you in their face but not necessarily in their favor. And doing nothing will get you forgotten.

You can schmooze and flatter and say what you think someone wants to hear. But at the end of the day be aware of yourself and don’t overdo it. You can earn trust and respect by getting things done, not by having the loudest laugh or the best compliments.

People often remember you for the unintentional. When we get caught up in trying to impress someone or in showing off or in flattery we lose sight of our own behavior and worth. So make sure at the end of the night when you flash your winning smile you don’t have chicken in your teeth. Trust me that will be the lasting impression whether you intended it or not.

Note: This post is inspired by my mom who once spent all night flirting and smiling with someone she really liked only to discover when she got home that she had had chicken in her teeth all evening.

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