
Every morning I crawl out of bed. Tiptoe downstairs. Pour myself a cup of coffee. And put a big ole dollop of whip cream on top.

It gets me out of bed in the morning. I look forward to it. It’s decadent and takes the edge off my fatigue.

When I was a full time athlete I used to see a physical therapist regularly. We all did. We were beaten up and broken down and he helped put us back together, mentally and physically.

I remember talking with him once in the last season I was competing. He said “you need to have a carrot. That thing that keeps you motivated or makes you feel good at the end of the day.” At the time it was a small sip of bourbon. I hate to admit it but it soothed me after a long day of training.

Now. It’s whipped heavy cream in my coffee. It makes the mornings a little easier and is a small simple way to treat myself to something nice that doesn’t cost a whole lot.

Carrots are important as long as they aren’t crutches. And it’s ok to treat ourselves to something nice from time to time. Or have something that makes getting the day started a little more fun or enjoyable.

If your days typically start out with stress and anxiety is there something small you can do, eat, focus on that might help you have a better start?

What’s your carrot?

(Featured image by Warner Bros)

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